Map in Golang

Map in Golang is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. A map is sometimes called an associative array, hash table, or dictionary Declare a Map in Golang There are five…

Slice in Golang

Slice is Golang is the segment of an array. Unlike an array, the length of a slice is allowed to change. The dynamic length of a slice is the most…

Array in Golang

An array in Golang is a numbered sequence of elements of the same type with a fixed length. Array Representation An array can be treated as a box having multiple…

Switch in Golang

Switch in Golang helps you create different conditions and allows you to execute different codes when different conditions are evaluated. Switch with the case statement in Golang Golang provides the…

if else in Golang

if else in Golang is used to make some decisions. When the condition is satisfied then you can run some piece of code and when the condition is not satisfied…

For Loop in Golang

For loop in Golang allows to repeat a list of statements multiple times. Other programming languages have different kinds of loops like while, do, and until but Go has only…

Constants in Golang

Constants in Golang are essentially variables whose values can’t be changed later on. Declare and Initialize the Constant in Golang We have seen that we can independently initialize Go variables.…

Variable in Golang

A variable in Golang is a storage location with a specific type and associated value. Declare a variable In Golang The var keyword of Golang helps to create or declare…

Boolean in Golang

Boolean in Golang is used to represent true or false. Booleans are used to make decisions in your program for example if a feature is enabled or not Declare Boolean…