Raj Ranjan

Constants in Golang

Constants in Golang are essentially variables whose values can’t be changed later on. Declare and Initialize the Constant in Golang We have seen that we can independently initialize Go variables.…

Variable in Golang

A variable in Golang is a storage location with a specific type and associated value. Declare a variable In Golang The var keyword of Golang helps to create or declare…

Boolean in Golang

Boolean in Golang is used to represent true or false. Booleans are used to make decisions in your program for example if a feature is enabled or not Declare Boolean…

String in Golang

A string in Golang is a sequence of characters with a definite length and is used to store the text. Declare String Variable in Golang You can use the string…

Integer in Golang

An Integer in Golang are number comprising zero, positive numbers, and negative numbers. Integers like their match counterparts are numbers without decimal parts. Types of Integers There are different types…

Comments in Golang

Comments in Golang are used to add extra information to your code such that it becomes more readable. How Compiler Treats Comments in Golang When the Go compiler encounters a…

Install Golang on your machine

Go is an open-source programming language that makes it simple to build secure, scalable systems. Go is a statically typed, compiled high-level programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer,…

Install Golang on Windows

Let’s learn to install Golang on the Windows Operating System. Download Golang Installer for Windows Visit the official website of Golang to find their releases You will see the different…