Install ssl on amazon ec2 wordpress

we have an EC2 instance where WordPress is installed and we want to install a free SSL certificate on the WordPress server. SSL certificate is important because

  • It will help us to get Adsense approval
  • Users visiting our website will feel that it is a secure website

Run the below commands to install the Free SSL certificate

sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel
sudo yum install certbot-apache
certbot --apache -d <domain-name>

You need to replace the domain name with your website hostname

In our case it was

Renewing Free SSL Certificate in WordPress

This certificate will have a validity of 1 year approximately and it will expire after 1 Year

You can renew by running the below command.

certbot --apache -d <domain-name>

The domain name again will be your website domain name. In our case it was


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